Month: March 2024

A woman sitting at a table with papers and pens.

Important Medicare Rules that Could Trip You Up (Before They Trip You Over)


Navigating the Medicare maze can feel like traversing a jungle gym in the dark – one wrong step and you could find yourself hanging upside down by your shoelaces. Thankfully, most of the pitfalls lurk in plain sight, disguised as seemingly innocuous rules…

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A close up of a rug with yarn and a loom

Insurance Essentials: Weaving Protective Thread’s into Life’s Tapestry


Imagine life as a grand tapestry, intricately woven with threads of joy, success, and love. But lurking in the shadows, unseen yet ever-present, are potential perils that threaten to unravel the carefully stitched fabric of our well-being. This is where insurance steps in, like a skilled weaver, reinforcing…

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A man and woman shaking hands over papers.

Top 5 Things New Homeowners Need to Know from Your Local Agent (Before You Buy in CT’s Spring Season!)


Before you get swept away by the charm of Connecticut’s spring real estate season, let’s ensure you’re fully prepared for the responsibilities that come with owning a home. Here are five crucial tips from your local agent, Ken O’Hara, designed to protect your…

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A person riding on the back of a motorcycle.

Vroom with a View: Cruising CT on Two Wheels (and Why You Need Ken O’Hara Agency Riding Shotgun)


Ah, motorcycles. Machines of chrome and leather, freedom and wind-whipped hair. They’re not just vehicles, they’re extensions of our souls, testaments to our rebellious spirit, and keys to unlocking some of the most breathtaking roads Connecticut has to offer. But let’s be honest, folks, even the most seasoned biker knows, life…

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A white boat is going down the water

Ahoy there, Captain!  Boat Season Approaches! 


It is getting time to trade in the snowsuits and snowmobile fun for life jackets and saltwater spray !  Whether you’re a seasoned skipper navigating Long Island Sound in a nimble dinghy or a yachting aficionado commanding a vessel worthy…

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